Monday, April 18, 2005


Today was a little different than I had anticipated.

I envisioned working really hard on my classes and studying really hard for my test. As I spent time with God this morning I learned more about his love for me. I love that God loves me.

After dinner I decided to sit outside and look over the stuff I needed to study. A few minutes after I was sitting there I noticed something flying around but didn't focus on it. Then whatever it was kept flying around so I finally decided to figure out what was going on. As I looked up from my papers, I saw a butterfly land on the ground not more than a few feet away. It was just chillin there and as I stared tearfully in awe of this creation, another butterfly flew down and the both of them flew off together. I turned back to my papers and tried to refocus. However, the one butterfly kept circling around my head and then the 2 would fly around and it almost seemed like they were playing. I quickly finished studying and got 2 journals out. I wrote a letter to Laurie in one and then a pretty long letter to God in the other.

You see, butterflies are my thing. When my life was forever changed about six and a half weeks ago, I wanted nothing more than to know that God was with me (this usually comes in the form of a butterfly for me). I just wanted to see one. But I didn't. I wasn't angry with God for that because I knew that He was with me. And today I guess God just needed to remind me that He loves me and that He longs to be with me. I wanted nothing more than to just spend the day with God today and yet I knew that I had to study for my test and do other meaningless tasks.

Well I just wanted to share my little random story. If you'd like to know more about the butterflies please feel free to ask...I might just tell you a story...

"The Lord has chosen you to be his treasured possession" Deuteronomy 14:2
"Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand" Psalm 73:23


At 4/18/2005 10:12 PM, Blogger Simply Me said...

ooo... story time for whoopi!

At 4/18/2005 10:12 PM, Blogger Simply Me said...

ooo... story time for whoopi!
p.s. all i know is i used to get your and laurie's old screen names confused a lot...

At 4/18/2005 10:13 PM, Blogger Simply Me said...

yup yup... that left itself one and a half times... i guess technically it's a half and one time huh?


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