Thursday, August 18, 2005

Forgiveness and Restoration

By Jeremy Camp
All this time I've wandered around searching for the things I'll never know
I've been searching for this answer that only will be found in your love
And I feel it
My heart is being mended by your touch
And I hear it
Your voice that's shown my purpose in this world
You have restored me from my feeble and broken soul
You have restored me

I've only come to realize my strength will be made perfect at your throne
Laying all reflections down to see the precious beauty that you've shown
And I feel it
My heart is being mended by your touch
And I hear it
Your voice that's shown my purpose in this world

This has become my song of peace and restoration. Friday night we did this thing at camp called "20 minutes". In a brief nutshell it's supposed to be you and God alone in the dark and peace for 20 minutes. Simple enough right? As I sat by a small tree waiting and hoping that God would really just speak to me, I got frustrated. I got on my knees and kept praying and listening. Then all of the sudden it dawned on me. I hadn't forgiven Laurie. Tears gushed out of my eyes and I sobbed quietly. And it was in that moment that God helped me to forgive her and started working in my heart. Yes, I'm still sad she's gone and I still miss her like crazy. But I'm not so furious anymore. God has been restoring my heart. Repairing it and mending it every day. He is so good. He's helping me to be more patient and loving. He's helping me to return to being the child of God he has called me to be. I highly recommend spending just 20 minutes with God. You and Him. No distractions. You'll be surprised at what you learn and what He has to say to you.

May God bring peace to your heart and heal the brokenness inside you.

Quick updates

So I started my new job at Condell this past Monday and it's going ok. It's hard to "relearn" the other departments when I haven't been in them in so long.

My grandma came home 2 weeks ago and is doing well. Praise God!! Thank you all for your prayers!!

Camp last week was pretty ok. Hard emotionally sometimes, hard only getting 3.5 hrs of sleep a night, challenging by the work we were doing. But I was able to have some really awesome conversations with people during the week and also after. God totally provided the strength we all needed to get through the week.

Well I think that's all the updates for now...have a wonderful week!